Resources for Writers
Devotional Archives, beginning May 2007
Lenten Devotionals (through 2014)
Advent Devotionals
Upper Room – This is a link to how to write a devotional for the Upper Room, but some of the hints are helpful for our devotional writers, too.
Helps with the Text
Revised Common Lectionary – Vanderbilt Library (Note: If you click on the link which contains the current reading, and then click on the date itself, then you will be taken to a page which contains the lectionary texts themselves.
UM Discipleship Ministries – Lectionary Helps
Textweek(check out the sidebar on the right for upcoming weeks)
Lectionary Helps
Seasonal helps
Textweek (on the right sidebar, down toward the bottom) has a list of seasonal resources.
Note: If you find internet sites or books which would be helpful for devotional writers, just forward them on to me (Kim), and I’ll add them to our resources page. If you find that a link is broken, please let me know that, too.
- Do I have to use the lectionary readings?Absolutely not! Please do not let the lectionary readings box you in. Use them or don’t use them. The decision is entirely up to you.
- What is the Revised Common Lectionary?Good question. It is a three year schedule of readings used by several denominations. We rotate through years A, B and C. The church year, as far as lectionary readings are concerned, begins with Advent. Each Sunday is assigned a passage from the Old Testament or the Acts of the Apostles, the Psalms, the Epistles or Revelation and one of the four Gospels.
- Is there a format to follow?Anything is fine. There is no length minimum or maximum, there is no pre-set format. To see how other people organize their devotionals, check out the archive links above. Pray, then write. God will lead you, and we will be blessed by what you write.
- Is there a particular way in which you want me to submit my devotional?I will take it in any format that works best for you. To tell you a secret, it is easier for me to receive the devotionals by email so that I can copy and paste them, but I am perfectly happy to type them from handwritten sources or typed sources. Just send it in by email or by regular mail. You can even just hand it to me at church. Amazing how simple this all is!
- Can I add someone to the subscriber’s list? You can send an invitation to someone to subscribe. In your email invitation, include this link: Or, if you send me (Kim) an email address, I will send that person an invitation. It is, I think, more polite to invite someone than to just start sending them emails, but I would love to invite anyone you want me to! In addition, feel free to forward the devotionals to anyone you like. God’s word is like that — it echoes. So send it on!
- I would like to go further with my devotional writing. How can I submit a devotional to the UpperRoom? Please! Do submit to have your devotional published! The Upper Room has several different devotional booklets, and this link lists them and gives you submission guidelines. Good luck!