Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry at JMUMC has been quite active. The purpose of the Prayer Shawl group is to knit or crochet prayer shawls while praying for the person who will receive the shawl. Our group has been supplying the Hospice House of Huntington with shawls for the patients there. They have been well received and give great comfort. We have also been making shawls for our shut-ins, college students, military personnel, and others in need in our congregation. Our motto is “Making a difference, stitch by stitch.” If you are interested in joining us, call Jean Ramsey, Melanie Herr or the church office.

If you don’t knit or crochet, but would like to help, the Prayer Shawl ministry is always in need of financial support. One five dollar donation can purchase enough yarn to make one shawl. Also, your prayers of support are always very much appreciated.