About us

Who are we?

The vision of Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church is to be a covenant community transformed by God’s grace to share the love of Christ with the world.

What do we do?

The mission of Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church is to bring others to Christ, embrace them with love, nurture everyone in faith, worship God joyfully, and reach out in service to the world.



Our church is a community of believers and seekers, saints and sinners, with difference in age, class, nationality, race, sex, marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity, limitations and number of times we’ve been born. While in the world there are attitudes about these diverse characteristics which deny to some the richness of God’s creation, we at JMUMC affirm our welcome of all people into our community of faith. Our vision and mission statements reveal that we are committed to being a fellowship in which all persons feel the warmth of our family, enabling them to grow as disciples of Christ, to be fed by our loving fellowship, and to contribute their time and talents to the life of the church in its worship, witness and outreach. As Christ welcome all, so do we! Welcome!

As an expression of our belief that every person is sacred and a beloved child of God, the congregation and leadership voted in July of 2015 to join Reconciling Ministries Network.


Meet us online

We hope that you will join us in person, but until you do, meet our staff and our volunteer leadership through our website. If you have questions, please call the church office at 304-525-8116.

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